Forensic Services

This department is in charge of the implementation of expert testimonies in courts at the different jurisdictional areas in which a legal dispute may arise: administrative (AFIP, DGI, DGR, etc.), economic, criminal, civil, commercial, etc. It is unnecessary to state that accounting witness expertise is the proof par excellence in disputes concerning economic issues.


Partner's Message

DPA has understood that this subject deserves a specific service and, hence, has formed a department to deal with it. Its partner in charge, Horacio Della Rocca, apart from being a specialist in tax matters, has been an official accounting witness of the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice during seven years. Together with this partner, we have formed a working team composed of highly qualified professionals (both accountants and lawyers) who practice legal activities in this specific area according to the needs of each situation.


-Performance as expert witness or technical consultants in legal affaires.

-Analysis and discussion of the case together with the client's lawyer.

-Preparation of the expert witness questionnaire.

-Preparation and analysis of information to be used in legal affaires.