
Money Laundering Prevention

The correct implementation of a system that detects early any suspicious operation ensures that our clients avoid unwelcome situations of severe consequences.

For us, what is most important is prevention. In view of that, our firm provides specific assistance and, if necessary, legal advise in this matter to those clients who demand it.

In that sense, our specialists are able to train the client’s personnel involved in the matter, so that these can adopt the appropriate methods for the specific norms. Within the training process, we may prepare manuals of policies and procedures.


-Implementation of a system that detects early any suspicious operation.

-Advise in the handling of a situation.

-Training courses to staff members exposed to such operations.

-Preparation of manuals of policies and procedures to detect suspicious operations.

-Legal assistance in view of possible affaires, including the participation of specialized lawyers and the preparation of proofs.

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